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Alex Miranda

I was born in a small city of Minas Gerais, Brazil. I always enjoyed arts and I really like the way the artists create with forms and colors. This passion was the strongest reason that made me spent a lot of hours studying and researching about art. The basic anatomy and color is very important. I never went to art schools because they are very expensive and I wish rather to find my own way and answers. I love some themes, like exotic landscapes and the women.

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Blonde of the moon

In questo bel dipinto possiamo apprezzare la bravura di Miranda, artista sudamericano di talento. Un suo pezzo farą sicuramente bella figura nella vostra collezione.

Artist: Alex Miranda
Comics: Fantasy/Comics

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Fairy girl

Una bella fatina ci osserva da questa tavola di Miranda, che anche questa volta riconferma il suo talento.

Artist: Alex Miranda
Comics: Fantasy/Erotic

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La dolce Rogue, membro pił giovane degli X-men si mette in posa per noi.
Dopo tutto sa di avere molti ammiratori.

Artist: Alex Miranda
Comics: X-Men

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